Thursday, November 13, 2008

This girl does a pretty good job of explaining and showing how to do it. I have tried it on myself and others and it does work very well. It hurts just like when you pluck and it definetly has some skills involved that I haven't quite mastered.
Let me know what you all think and if you try it.


Carrie said...

wow, i have never heard of this before. that's pretty cool. i have to pluck EVERYDAY. it sucks, and it takes me forever, and i don't really have time, so it always looks like crap. i am wanting to try this. ya, i am with you, the lady below w/ the loop method makes more sense to me than the ladies here with the thread in the mouth. i am going to try this soon, wish me luck! :)
cool, thanks for the info.

April said...

That was totally helpful. It's much simpler than I always thought it was. So... once I get a hang of this, I know I'm probably going to be as addicted to it as I am to plucking. Bald face, here I come!

About Us said...

I have never heard of this, but I totally want it done! I don't think I could do it to myself what if I messed up!I'm always plucking, it's like one of my favorite hobbies:) LOL