Today I went to Hayden's parent teacher conference. Hayden has always been a great student, but I was very surprised about how great she has been doing. Hayden is self-motivated and gets her homework done usually before I get home from work. I never have to nag her to get it done and she never needs my help. She challenges herself and is always trying to do better. I couldn't ask for a better kid. Hayden has also had the best teachers.
So Hayden's teacher reported to me that:
- Hayden scored in the top 10% in the NATION on the Iowa test in the science division and received an award from the State of Utah
- Hayden scored in the 10th grade level in her vocabulary.....10th grade
- Hayden is a on a 5th grade reading level and can read 141 words a minute and the requirement is only 72 words a minute
- She is on a 4th grade spelling level
- She has not been tardy or absent one day this year
I was amazed!
Way to go Hayden, we are so proud of your hard work!