Saturday, July 24, 2010

Raging Waters is H2O

Friday, Harmony and I took our girls and Halli to Raging Waters .
It really was a perfect day, the weather was great and the lines weren't too long.

It was really nice because Hayden and Halli are finally old enough to go and do things on their own without constant supervision.
The rope swing
The Wave Pool was one of their favorites

Harmony told us we all had to try her favorite slide the Acapulco Cliff Dive.  I had been on it once about 10 years ago and HATED it.  I hate the feeling of falling more than anything.
So Harmony took Halli and Hayden up and they all went on it, I stayed at the bottom and took the pictures.

Halli coming down.
Halli is 9 years old.
Hayden coming down.
Hayden is 10 years old and smiling at the bottom.

So........I thought, I guess I could give it another try, if they can do it, so can I.
Me, screaming my guts out, feeling like my feet were going to come over my head.
That is not a smile, its pure terror.
This is me at the bottom saying, "I Hate it, I hate it."
They were all laughing at me and telling me I was a wimp.

Anyway, we all had a great time and stayed until it closed.

Despite the multiple sunscreen applications we all look a little burned.

After we left we went to Rumbi's for dinner and Scoopology for dessert.  Us girls can't survive without our treats.  
Thanks girls for the fun day! 


Dan n Ash said...

Sounds like a blast! I really love you bodyful hair... it's gorgeous.

Lisa said...

Such cute pics! Looks like it was sooo fun! SOunds like this better be a yearly tradition!