Thursday, February 28, 2008

About my husband

I have been tagged by Amy

Full name: Jeremy Rickie Newcomb

How long have you been married: 11 months and 2 days

How long did we date: about six months

Who said I love you first: He said it after two weeks

Who is taller: Jer is 6"4', I am 5"6'

Who sings better: He definetley does, but I practice at church.

Who is smarter: We compliment each other, but he has an incredible memory & remembers most everything he reads.

Who does the laundry: He probably does more loads a week, he is a cleaner.

Who pays the bills: We both pay them.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: We alternate each night depending on who has to wake up first and shut off the alarm.

Who cooks dinner: Jeremy cooks most of the dream dinners and I make anything that is from scratch.

Who drives: Jeremy drives all over the place and he gets really sick of it, so I try to give him a break, but I would prefer he drive always.

Who is more stubborn: That would be me

Who ask who out: I contacted him first, but he planned and set up the date.

Who proposed: Jeremy proposed on Jan 13, 07 up Provo Canyon while we were snow shoeing, I was very surprised. Then we went to eat at 5 All's, it was so nice.

Who has more siblings: Jeremy has 4 sisters and 2 brothers, I have 3 sisters and 1 brother.

Who wears the pants: Well I guess I do, but I would rather he did, I don't like all the decision making.

I am tagging harmony


Heidi said...

Hopefully someday I'll get to meet this guy!

Harmony said...

don't tag me, I suck at these things.