Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last night for FHE, Hayden and I went to the annual pumpkin walk here in Logan. Different companies and families get to decorate a scene with pumpkins and other fall vegetables. The pumpkin walk is free and so last night it was very busy.
Here is a peacock made out of a squash.
Jack Skelington and the characters from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"
The scenes also have music that goes a long with their theme.

This is my favorite one. There is an older guy in Logan that rides his bike everywhere and is always honking his horn and waving to everyone. The words behind the pumpkin biker say,
" 1 backpack $16.00"
"1 helmet $29.99"
"1 bicycle $279.00"
"1 wave from Brent.....priceless"
This pictures isn't too good, but it is Batman, the Joker and Scareface.

This one was the cutest by far. It is Noah's Ark. If you look carefully you can see the elephants, skunks, penguins, pigs, bears and there were a lot of others that I couldn't fit in the picture. I want to make some of those elephant bums :-)


Michelle said...

That looks way fun! I wish we lived closer, I'm sure I would've enjoyed going! I loved the pictures :)

About Us said...

Looks like fun! We should go to that next year instead of the corn maze. My kids would love that:)I love your new family pic. Your mom always does such a good job, and you always looks so perfect! I saw Abby last night at my work,it was so good to see her. I always love seeing your family, it takes me back to all the good times we had when we were young. I love & miss you tons:)

Tyson Chamberlain said...

Hey I love your blog.. you've got some very cute family pics!! Hope all is well! :)