Monday, January 5, 2009

A Change Is Good

For the last year, we have been trying to decide what to do with ourselves. That sounds a little strange, but that's what we have been doing. We have been deciding between moving, school, and family.
So after many ideas, thoughts and prayers we have come to the decision to stay put and enjoy the Cache Valley while we can.
Jeremy quit his crazy traveling job and got a job in Logan. Jeremy also applied to Utah State University. Today he will start his classes. We have a long way to go, but we are both going to work hard and be optimistic.
We will both be working 5 days a week. Jeremy is also taking classes 5 days a week in the evening. I have banished him from all house work. (he is such a clean freak I know its going to kill him) Life will be crazy these next few years, but it will be worth it in the end, we both know.
We will keep you posted on his progress.



About Us said...

WOW! I didn't know Jeremy quit his job. So what will he be doing now? School is good, something I wish James and I could/would do. I just sent you an email back so I'll wait to hear from you:) GOOD LUCK!

Carrie said...

Good luck with everything. You guys are awesome, so I know you can do it. It will be hard, but you guys are hard working. Move down here and have a baby so I can play with him (or her) and babysit him (or her). Ok, just kidding, I know you have your plan in place and it doen't include any of that! :) I am proud of you guys and all you have already accomplished! xoxox

Harmony said...

Go Jeremy! Good luck to you all!

Carrie said...

oh, yes, i do LOVE, LOVE celine! she is pretty. i think my nose does look a little BIG in that pic...i may be removing it! :)

Carrie said...

oh, and, like celine , i do have a little mouth. same w/ maddie, but her nose is MUCH cuter than mine! if i could sing like celine, i would not care! but, don't EVEN get me wrong here, i take NO OFFENSE to the celine comment! i promise.

Lisa said...

I am so glad you guys aren't leaving! I work on Thursday so hopefully I will get to see you! Wahoo!