Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shout Out to Cannon

This is shout out to my brother Cannon. Cannon has always been a life saver. He is so thoughtful, so giving and is always willing to help anyone. He is funny and light-hearted and sees the best in everyone. I am so thankful for Cannon and for his willingness to help me, Jeremy and Hayden .
Cannon has been coming to my house 2 days a week at 6 A.M. Jeremy and I have to me to work at 6:30. He comes and gets Hayden ready for school. Hayden always looks forward to him being there. He wakes her up and feeds her breakfast, takes care of the crazy dog and takes her to school, and then he goes to work. I wake Hayden up before I leave and do her hair, but he has even offered to do that.
It's not like Cannon doesn't have anything else to do. He works at the same hospital with me and Jeremy, he is a waiter at the Coppermill, he is taking classes at Utah State, he is in a band that practices and performs regularly. He is one busy guy.
I don't know what we would do without him. Thank you Cannon for being so unselfish and waking up at the crack of dawn to help us in a major way.
Cannon is the best Uncle and Brother anyone could have, I don't know anyone like him. He is going to be the best husband and father someday..........Did I mention he is single?


About Us said...

WOW! Good Job Cannon!! I never thought to ask you who was helping you w/ Hayden. But it sounds like things are going well:)

Carrie said...

what a great brother! i wish i knew a little hottie for him, he's a great catch!!

Suzy Kessler said...

I like to hear how you are all doing. It makes me happy that you are all doing so well. I know your dad would be so proud of all of you. Love Aunt Suzy

April said...
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Heidi said...

Wow - now that is brotherly love! Too bad he doesn't live closer, I could use someone to help get my 4 kids ready every morning!!

I thought he was dating someone?